Personal/Final Clearance Air Sampling

Personal Air Sampling is required by OSHA to protect unprotected workers and to validate the proper personal protection equipment. Air monitoring on abatement projects are recommended (mandatory in some states) prior to , during,  and for final clearances concluding abatement projects. Priors, Pre-Abatements, or Backgrounds, represent concentrations which occur in the air under normal conditions.

Third Party Testing can conduct air monitoring:

  • prior to the project;
  • during work area preparation, during abatement activities; and for
  • final clearance.

During abatement air sampling is collected during the setup of the work area and are collected daily until the completion of the abatement and cleaning activities. Why? This documents that the contractor is providing adequate engineering controls and is not contaminating areas outside of the work area. Final Clearance samples are collected at the completion of abatement and cleanup activities (after visual inspections and before any critical barriers are removed).


Personal/Final Clearance samples are taken by using aggressive techniques and will help to determine if asbestos has been properly removed and cleaned from the area, and if area is acceptable for building occupants to reenter.


Request Personal/Final Clearance Air Sampling